Of Games, Players, Time and Nature
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Happy moon

A Business Commences when a transaction is made and the initial gut feel on the Opportunity is confirmed.

Once operational the business operations need to be maintained for ensuring continuance of the benefits of the opportunity identified.

The power of a business opportunity identified is reflected in its age at the crease and calls for dedicated maintenance of the operations if the assets created during the creation phase are not to be frittered away.

This is one of the prime reasons why a creator of business opportunities needs to ensure that the course is set for the continued existence and growth of the business.

The cost of existence needs to be supported by a clear agenda with dedication to maintain the opportunity not withstanding new opportunities and ideas identified.

It is indeed quite unfortunate that quite a few Innovative & Creative minds find themselves at the losing end counting their losses at a time when they should have been counting their wins, and successes.

To bat again at the crease you need to be a member of the team – to be a member of the team you do not have to concentrate on stardom.

Is it not a fact that the stars that shine brightly at night are not visible during daytime, the fact is that they do not have to be.

Moving away from the extra terrestrial stars to the mortal stars the fact remains that those used to stardom often throw away the great powers that enable them to shine.

They get to be a star ( may be within closed groups) . It is here that they need to raw their lesson from the extraterrestrial stars – they just need to be around.

The great irony of it is the fact that it is a painful process to try and just be around – and most human stars do not live long enough to recognise it and do something about it.

Giving up is an issue by default, in just the way that growing old is. It hurts the average person to even watch the helpless manner in which people who have outlived their success often have nothing but the past to dwell upon and a fear of the future.

When one understands that the fear of future is the common inheritance of all human beings from the Time the Supreme Master of creation and existence.

Hence the secret of a healthy existence is to move away from dwelling on the past and work on the future. Even a dying man has a future (maybe just a breath, maybe just a second – so what?) until he is certified dead.

Waiting for any one or anything is an agonising process – which even the person consciously waiting for death to occur needs to keep himself active – to move away from the agony of waiting.

When this understood there can be no tails – no tail enders, only players and innings.

An innings well played draws admiration and motivates other players.

Ask the next batsman who is waiting for the wicket to fall, so that he can do better.

Luckily in life there is no waiting for the other wicket to fall and every batsman has a field to play – and an innings to be replayed.


The only people who could get tired are the spectators.

Player or spectator you decide