Insure yourself against Personal Sales failure !! | Build your Quiver of arrows | Your reliability factor | Objections are gateways to a Sale | Improve your communication skills
Sinja Training Themes

Welcome to the Sinja Training Programs developed for presentation in house, for your teams.

The essential difference between an In-House Training Program & an open session is that an In house Training program demands an objective, agenda and internal material.

It calls for teamwork, and I can be a part of your team.

The topics presented in the pages that follow, are to kick start a thought process that enables you to define a training program along the lines that would meet your requirements best and enable the members of your team to draw the best results out of the Training Programs.

I will be making changes to this site on a regular basis, so you could check back often.

Sinja -
winning teams

We'd luv
to be a part of
your winning team too!

Here are some of the Popular Training Themes around which training programs are built and customised to the needs of the individual organisations.

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Insure yourself against Personal Sales failure !!

Build your Quiver of arrows

Your reliability factor

Objections are gateways to a Sale

Improve your communication skills