


It is surprising to note how many Sales People engaged in the Sales Profession, resist the need to go out and meet customers first hand.

Cold Calling is a thing of the past.... is a comment that one comes across from most people employed in the Sales Profession. Quite often when the boss speaks of Cold Calling, it is not surprising, to find the Sales Team Members switching off.

Let us face it.

Even in a game of Cricket, it is the first few overs that define the success of the Batsman, in that innings. But even after a period when we would describe the batsman as having settled down, the batsman continues to survive because of the attention he pays to every ball. This diligence is a little difficult to comprehend in todays world, where we prefer watching the highlights rather than the whole day's game.

All that matters is to remember that it is those balls that were played with due attention that enable a batsman to score his hundred.

Cold Calling is to Selling, what the first few overs are to a new batsman.

When it comes to building a Successful Sales Person, all things apart the one factor that sets them apart is their willing ness to reach out to new Prospective Clients on their own. That is where the ability to effectively utilise the Cold Calling Techniques comes in.

Most business leaders agree that Cold Calling Techniques form a part of the basic skill set required to reach out to Prospective Customers in Person.

The Objectives of the 1- day session are:

To enable the Sales People to recognise Cold Calling Techniques as an integral part of their Performance Toolkit for Personal Growth .

To adopt and also recognise it as a Personal Insurance Mechanism against failure, and build their personal skills in the usage oge of Cold Calling Techniques in Effective Prospect Development.


Cold Calling Techniques are without doubt a very integral part of the Sales Person's Tool Kit and the session focuses unambiguously on Effective Prospect Development through Cold Call Techniques.

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Participation is limited to not more than 15 teams of two members each sponsored by their organisations.
This session is conducted every month and for further details please write to sinja@sify.com