Sinja Training Programs

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Effective Prospect Development through Cold Call Techniques
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Training is a pleasure

Let us now take a look our training programs.

In the box alongside, you will find the titles of programs which have been well received.

These are programs designed for Sales Executives with 1-2 years of exposure in he field, to enable them to be able to review their performance and come up with very simple measures which will enable them to be effective in seeking ans serving their clients

In the box alongside, are themes along which 1-day programs can be designed for training SALES TEAMS inhouse, and permit Counseling on an individual basis.

The major advantage in all these sessions is that it highlights the Inputs with an Out of the Box Perspective and also serves as a Module that can be repeated at short notice, beside serving as a back-up in view of the higher manpower attrition, the over burdened internal trainer, and ensures that the process permits the Trainers themselves to seek greener pastures while not actually affecting the work.

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Effective Prospect Development through Cold Call Techniques

Cold Calling is the Sales Person's personal insurance mechanism against failure